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Welcome to Systems Mechanical Inc.


SMI was founded in 1994 to satisfy an emerging need for engineering and installation expertise in the application of heating, ventilating, and air conditioning controls for commercial buildings.  Today, with over 5000 completed control projects, SMI has expanded both the scope of services offered and the technologies practiced to more comprehensively serve owners' and contractors' needs with leading edge and cost effective systems solutions. 
Our customers know the value of environmental comfort and they appreciate saving energy in an era of escalating energy cost.


SMI controls provides turnkey and supervised installation services for HVAC based projects. HVAC System Integration Services include: 

• Project Management
• Systems Engineering
• Software Development and Programming
• Control System Installation
• Panel Manufacturing
• System Start Up
• Factory & Field Testing
• Customer Training & Maintenance & Operation Manual Publishing


SMI provides complete control system solutions for your project. Experienced Control Engineers and Construction Professionals design fabricate, and construct and commission your control and instrumentation project ensuring a trouble free installation.

System integration services are performed directly for end users and on a subcontract basis for general, electrical and mechanical contractors.

Prime contract services are offered for the municipal and industrial customer. SMI provides professional turn-key control system construction services.

Experienced with 18 years of specialized control system installations, numbering in the thousands, provides the customer with assurances of receiving a project on time within budget.

Direct Digital Control Systems


Direct Digital Control Systems (DDC)

DDC control systems use microprocessor-based controllers for typical use in commercial buildings.  These controllers measure signals from sensors, perform control routines in software programs, and take corrective action in the form of output signals to actuators.  Since the programs are in digital form, the controllers perform what is known as direct digital control (DDC).  Microprocessor-based controllers can be used as stand-alone controllers or they can be incorporated into a building management system utilizing a minicomputer or a personal computer (PC) as a host to provide additional functions.  Digital control offers many advantages:


Key Benefits

Lower Cost Per Function... 
Microprocessor and memory costs keep coming down while inherently functionality keeps going up.  Digital control allows more sophisticated and energy efficient control sequences to be applied at a lower cost than with conventional controls.

Application Flexibility... 
Since microprocessor-based controllers are software based, application flexibility is an inherent feature.  Changes in control sequences can easily be accommodated through software whether dictated by system performance or by changes in the owner's use of the facility.  Also, controllers can perform energy management and other building functions.

Multifunction Capability... 
Although basic environmental control and energy management operate as independent programs, it is best to have them incorporated as an integrated program in order to provide more efficient control sequences.

Precise & Accurate Control... 
Proportional control has the inherent problem of offset.  The wider the throttling range is set for control stability, the greater the offset.  With the microprocessor-based controller, the temperature offset can easily be corrected by the simple addition of integral action.


660 Marina Way South, Richmond California, 94804

Tel:  510-236-3794 

Fax: 510-236-3795






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From analog electronic controls to patented pneumatic designs, SMI offers you a comprehensive product lines. We produce actuators, valves, control devices, and all the accessories your project requires. Best of all, you can find these parts through your local HVAC wholesaler.


Building Automation

To meet the demand for open and interoperable systems, SMI offers products designed around the BACnet protocol. From powerful operator workstation software to advanced application and building controllers, these scalable systems offer owners and management personnel maximum flexibility in implementation. The products SMI offers are distinguished by intuitive building automation software, fully programmable Tier 1 and Tier 2 controllers, networked thermostats, and network accessories. We are an authorized dealer and system distributor and can engineer, install, and maintain these systems.


The BACnet Commitment

We design our products to the evolving BACnet standard. We participate, each year, in BACnet-sponsored interoperability workshops (aka Plugfests). We lend technical assistance to the BACnet (ASHRAE) committee. We volunteer within BACnet International. We have our products tested and listed by BTL.

You might say that we’re “in touch” with BACnet.


BACnet Solutions

We’ve designed our line of products to meet the scalable needs in relation to control and automation challenges. From standalone applications to installation in small buildings to large facilities, we’ve got your BACnet solution.


Tridium NiagaraAX is a software framework and development environment that solves the challenges associated with building Internet-enabled products, device-to-enterprise applications and distributed Internet-enabled automation systems. The core concept of Niagara is its unique, patented component model that transforms the data from diverse external systems into uniform software components. These components form the foundation for building applications to manage and control the devices that control your buildings comfort, energy usage, lighting and security.


This data communications protocol is an agreed-upon set of rules for creating interoperable (open) networks of building systems. The protocol encompasses all building systems from HVAC and building automation to lighting, security, fire and life safety, etc.
It was developed by the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE; but has become an American national standard, a European standard, a national standard in more than 30 countries, and an ISO global standard (ISO-16484-5). It defines the messages that various devices exchange and how those messages are delivered.


Why BACnet?

As an “open standard,” BACnet enables facility professionals to future-proof their buildings by installing a system that allows for multiple product providers or multiple service providers. In addition, the standard itself adapts to emerging initiatives to ensure that both present and future needs are met in terms of building system integration. Finally, by becoming such a widely accepted choice and standard, you’ll never be caught on the wrong side of the technology wars. BACnet has become the definitive, worldwide standard for building system communications.


Who Supports BACnet?

The BACnet “community” is comprised of members of ASHRAE, user interests groups, product manufacturers, system integrators, controls contractors, & building owners. Within ASHRAE, the Standing Standard Project Committee, SSPC 135, is responsible for continued development of the standard through 7 working groups. The official BACnet (standard) web site is

BACnet interest groups are organized in North America, Australia-Asia, Europe , Finland, Sweden, Russia, and the Middle East.

and promotional activities. BACnet International complements the work of other BACnet-related groups whose charters limit their commercial activities.

BACnet International members include companies involved in the design, manufacturing, installation, commissioning, and maintenance of control equipment that uses BACnet for communication, as well as other interested persons.



EVERWATCH® Lab Fume Hood Monitors ensure safety by continuously monitoring lab fume hood face velocity. TSI's monitors provide audible and visual alarms to warn of unsafe conditions. Additionally, TSI offers monitors with and without a digital display, giving users only the needed information.



Some environments are specially controlled to minimize health and safety risks or for quality control. Testing and monitoring of these areas to ensure the health and safety of personnel and control product quality requires specialized equipment. TSI's Certification instruments are designed to help protect people, maintain comfortable working conditions and assure desired levels of cleanliness in controlled indoor environments .



While the fight against tuberculosis and other airborne infectious diseases has seen notable successes, it is not over. The United States Centers for Disease Control and the American Institute of Architects, for example, require installed monitors to verify proper room pressure

differentials for areas like airborne infection isolation rooms and protective environment rooms. Other areas, like operating suites, also need pressure differences to minimize the spread of facility-acquired infections.

TSI's PRESSURA™ room pressure controls are designed to help you meet these requirements. It's unique thermal anemometer-based sensor has the accuracy required to measure these low pressure differentials. PRESSURA controls are also designed to provide the nursing staff with the simplicity they need while still providing maintenance staff the information they require to maintain the facility's HVAC system.



IAQ Solutions made easy.

There's been a lot of attention focused lately on the role indoor air pollution plays in our ability to live a healthy lifestyle. In fact, over the last several years, a growing body of scientific evidence has indicated that the air within homes and other buildings can be more seriously polluted than the outdoor air in even the largest and most industrialized cities. The problem is so significant; the Environmental Protection Agency currently lists poor indoor air quality as the fourth largest environmental threat in the United States.

TSI offers a line of indoor air quality instruments designed to accurately and reliably measure a variety of parameters important in monitoring and maintaining occupant thermal comfort while helping to assure healthy indoor environments. 

Typical air measurements include temperature, humidity (%RH, wet-bulb, dewpoint), outdoor air calculations, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and airborne particles. 

These instruments are optimized for easy operation yet still provide a full range of advanced capabilities, including data logging and statistical analysis.




Specializing in engineering and installation of heating, ventilating and air conditioning controls for commercial buildings. Today, with over 5000 completed control projects, SMI has expanded both the scope of services offered and the technologies practiced to more comprehensively serve owners' and contractors' needs with leading edge and cost effective systems solutions.


660 Marina Way South, Richmond California, 94804

Phone: 510-236-3794|Fax: 510-236-3795

Copyright © 2017 Systems Mechanical Inc. - All rights reserved

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